



Company Profile

The Hunger Hydraulics Group provides problem solutions in the hydraulic and automotive field that require intensive consulting services. 


The products range from large and special cylinders and surface coatings to seals and bearing elements, hydraulic power packs, spherical plain bearings and rod ends, rotary actuators, honing stones and tools to repairs of hydraulic cylinders.
In the automotive field Hunger focuses on fifth-wheel and trailer couplings.
Main Product Category
Hydraulic fields:
•Hydraulic cylinders, in particular large and special cylinders
•Surface coatings: Ceraplate, Ultraplate, Chrome
•Seals and bearing elements
•Hydraulic power packs and controls
•Hydraulic components like rotary distributors, rotary actuators, valves, spherical plain bearings and rod ends
•Abrasives like honing stones and grinding tapes with corresponding tools
Automotive fields:
•Fifth-wheel and trailer couplings for the vehicle construction
•Deep drawn and punching Components for subcontractors to the automotive industry, medicine and leisure industry